Life Teen

Life Teen, Inc. is a Catholic youth ministry organization and movement originating in the United States. It was established in 1985 at St. Timothy's Parish in Mesa, Arizona to "lead teens closer to Christ." Life Teen believes that "Eucharist-based ministry has the power to transform teens, transform parishes, and transform culture."[1]

Life Teen is known primarily for their parish-based Life Teen program for high school teenagers that is used by over 1200 Catholic parishes around the world. In 2003, they launched a national Edge program for junior high kids which is now used by almost 500 parishes.The most important part of every Life Teen and Edge program is the Youth Mass. Key parts of a youth Mass is a welcoming atmosphere, reverent and relevant music, and an engaging homily that speaks to the issues in teens lives. But most importantly, the youth Mass remains sacred and timeless. Life Nights are the Sunday youth ministry nights that are aimed to be both fun and challenge teens to go deeper in their relationship with God and to know more about their Catholic faith. Every Life Teen and Edge program is encouraged to host two weekend-long retreats for their teens.[2]

Life Teen began as a plan aimed to revolutionize youth ministry and bring the message of Jesus Christ to teenagers in a way they could understand it. It was decided that a new approach was needed to evangelize the Catholic youth in their area. According to Life Teen sources, they now have over 1100 individual programs[3] in the United States and around the world. Life Teen programs are typically established in individual parishes.

The name Life Teen is trademarked. According to the Life Teen Inc's convention, the name should be spelled as two words and as seen as follows, "Life Teen".

One of the founders of the movement, then Fr. Dale Fushek, was later excommunicated and laicized[4] following an abuse scandal and opening of a non-denominational worship center in the Phoenix area.

In 2005 there was a controversy surrounding one of the organization's founders, Dale Fushek, who was accused of sexual contact with several youths. In 2008, he was excommunicated for founding an independent worship center in defiance of his bishop's order to cease all ministry work. In February 2010 he was laicized. In April 2010, Dale Fushek pled guilty to a misdemeanor assault charge involving inappropriate contact with a young man. The prosecution dropped an allegation that the contact was sexually motivated, meaning Dale Fushek was not required to register as a sex offender.

Life Teen's President, Randy Raus, recently encouraged prayer: "I want to assure you as the President of Life Teen, that it has been over five years since Dale Fushek has been involved with the movement of Life Teen. We continue to pray for all involved and for healing. Again, the movement of Life Teen is in full support of Pope Benedict XVI, Bishop Olmsted and the Diocese of Phoenix in these matters. We are thankful to Bishop Olmsted for his continued support and guidance over the past few years. Life Teen faithfully and enthusiastically serves the Roman Catholic Church in complete obedience to the Magisterium and strict fidelity to Church teachings."


Ministry model

Life Teen has developed a dynamic model to help Youth Ministers and Core members execute comprehensive Catholic youth ministry in a parish setting. Life Teen's systematic catechetical gatherings, called Life Nights, have four distinct segments. These segments are Gather, Proclaim, Break, and Send. These segments are derived from the flow of the Mass.

General Program Information

In the program, youth typically attend a Sunday Mass specifically intended for them, along with adult program leaders (CORE), which often teens' families and other interested parishioners also attend. Music and homilies are focused on teens and teens are invited to be trained in approved liturgical ministries such as lectors, ushers, altar servers, greeters and extraordinary ministers of the Eucharist (if approved by the Diocese).

Following Mass, a "Life Night" is held, which incorporates teaching in Catholic beliefs, interactive activities, and socialization. Life Nights cover catechetical, social and issue related nights that are 100% Catholic and comprehensive.

Most Life Teen Programs utilize multiple events during the week, such as Bible Studies, Social Events, and the like to provide teenagers with healthy and holy activities to take part in during the week that will not only strengthen their bonds with each other, but will strengthen their relationship with God as well.


The Movement of Life Teen maintains a focus on helping teens fall deeper in love with Jesus in the Eucharist. Primarily this is done through celebration of a youth focused Mass. LIfe Teen remains faithful to the magisterium of the Catholic Church and stresses compliance with liturgical norms in obedience to the local Bishop. These liturgies often referred to by parishes as a "Life Teen" Mass, are not a teen only Mass, but a regular/communal Mass that is normally celebrated on Sunday evening. Each week hundreds of thousands of people attend one of these liturgies. The focus of the youth Mass is on helping teens and their families to fully participate, understand and foster transformation through their prayer at Mass. Portions of homilies are often geared toward teenagers, their culture and the relevance of their faith today. The music ranges from traditional Catholic hymns sometimes with a modern arrangement, to the latest Catholic worship songs. Instrumentation, quality sound and an emphasis on song as prayer help give an energy and reverence to these Masses. Life Teen has video talk from Fr. Robert Schreiner explaining the role of music within Liturgy.

Additional Programs

In addition to High School Youth Ministry, Life Teen has been branching out as of late to many different other areas of ministry:


Edge is Life Teen's middle school ministry for early adolescents in grades six, seven and eight. It is designed to meet the educational, spiritual, emotional, and social needs of young adolescents. Edge combines the best of Life Teen with the necessary adaptations to provide middle school youth with the ministry they need.

Edge Nights occur once every week during the school year, and also has social and recreational activities designed to create a greater sense of community amongst Middle School Youth. In addition, several national Edge Summer Camps are held in Georgia, Arizona, and Missouri.

Parent LIFE

Life Teen recognizes the importance of ministry not only to teens but also to their families, especially parents. Parent LIFE was created to have a lasting effect on Life Teen Parishes, as a program to, for, and with parents that allow them to draw closer to Christ. The program solidifies and strengthens the family structure, and builds community within the parish.

Parents LIFE is facilitated by the parents themselves. One person or a couple coordinates the overall parent ministry to insure consistency. The leader/leaders are under the direction of the Pastor or the Youth Minister.


  1. ^, November 28, 2011
  2. ^ [1], November 28, 2011
  3. ^ Supporting Parishes
  4. ^ Church officially strips Dale Fushek of priesthood, Arizona Republic, February 16, 2010.

External links